Java Assignment - Dice Roll

Java class assignment, rolling of Dice

 * Student Name: Joe Caulfield
 * Student Number: 20050493
 * Date: 2/2/2012
 * Purpose:
public class DiceGame
    private Player1 player1;
    private FaceValue1 facevalue1;
    public DiceGame()
        player1 = new Player1();
        facevalue1 = new FaceValue1();
    public void play()
        System.out.println("Well done you got: " + facevalue1.getDi1() );

 * Student Name: Joe Caulfield
 * Student Number: 20050493
 * Date: 2/2/2012
 * Purpose:
public class FaceValue1
        private int Di1;   // Number showing on the first die.
        private int Di2;   // Number showing on the second die.
        public FaceValue1()  // Constructor. Rolls the dice.
        public void Roll()
// Roll the dice by setting each of the dice to be a random number between 1 and 6
            Di1 = (int)(Math.random()*6) + 1; // Die1 given value using Math Class.
            Di2 = (int)(Math.random()*6) + 1; // Die2 given value using Math Class.
        public int getTotal() // method to return total faceValue of Dice.
           return Di1 + Di2;  // Return the total showing on the two dice.
        public void setTotal()
        public int getDi1()
            // Return the number showing on the first die.
           return Di1;
        public void setDi1()
        public int getDi2()
           // Return the number showing on the second die.
           return Di2;

        public void setDi2()
}  // end of Dice Class

 * Student Name: Joe Caulfield
 * Student Number: 20050493
 * Date: 2/2/2012
 * Purpose:
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Player1
    public static void main(String args [])
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        DiceGame G1 = new DiceGame();
        int Score1 = 0;
        int Score2 = 0;
        String Player1;



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